
• 30 de Mai, 2017 • 15:31

Horacio Bernardes em matéria na Global Insight

Horacio Bernardes on Global Insight

‘Was I surprised by the extent and sophistication of Car Wash? Yes, very much so. I think any citizen of any country would be surprised to have the biggest corruption case in his or her country,’ says Horacio Bernardes Neto, IBA Vice-President and a partner at Motta Fernandes in São Paulo. ‘These giant companies are so well organised, with such an enormous commitment to society and the country, and yet, at the same time, they had this huge corruption programme.’

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‘Was I surprised by the extent and sophistication of Car Wash? Yes, very much so. I think any citizen of any country would be surprised to have the biggest corruption case in his or her country,’ says Horacio Bernardes Neto, IBA Vice-President and a partner at Motta Fernandes in São Paulo. ‘These giant companies are so well organised, with such an enormous commitment to society and the country, and yet, at the same time, they had this huge corruption programme.’

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