
• 11 de Set, 2019 • 13:47

I Congresso Internacional de Direito Processual Civil da Escola Superior de Advocacia Pública ESAP/PGE/RJ

1st International Congress of Civil Procedural Law of the School of Public Advocacy ESAP / PGE / RJ

O sócio Antonio Joaquim Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque presidirá o painel “Tutela Coletiva e Processos Estruturantes” no I Congresso Internacional de Direito Processual Civil da Escola Superior de Advocacia Pública ESAP/PGE/RJ, que será realizado no Rio de Janeiro entre os dias 16 e 18 de setembro. O referido painel contará com a participação de Francisco Verbic, Professor Adjunto da Faculdade de Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais da UNLP – Argentina; Stefaan Voet, Professor Associado de Processo Civil na Universidade de Leuven – Bélgica; e Aluísio Mendes, Desembargador Federal do TRF2 e Professor Titular de Direito Processual Civil da Faculdade de Direito da UERJ.

Clique aqui para a programação completa

Partner Antonio Joaquim Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque will chair the panel “Collective Guardianship and Structuring Processes” at the 1st International Congress of Civil Procedural Law of the School of Public Advocacy ESAP / PGE / RJ, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro on September 16th-18th. This panel will be attended by Francisco Verbic, Associate Professor at Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, UNLP – Argentina; Stefaan Voet, Associate Professor of Civil Procedure at the University of Leuven – Belgium; and Aluísio Mendes, Federal Judge of TRF2 and Professor of Civil Procedural Law at the UERJ Law School.

Click here for the programme

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