
• 04 de Mai, 2022 • 08:53

Nosso sócio Daniel Gomide na conferência Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America, IBA.

Our partner Daniel Gomide at the IBA Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America conference.

Em 3 de maio, nosso sócio Daniel Gomide, que atua nas práticas de M&A, Governança Corporativa e Infraestrutura, participou do painel sobre ESG em operações de M&A da conferência Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America promovida pela International Bar Association. Daniel destacou a importância da avaliação do Compliance ESG de terceiros contratados e da cadeia de suprimentos da empresa-alvo em operações de M&A, independentemente do porte da sociedade.

On May 3, our partner Daniel Gomide, member of the practice groups of Corporate Governance, M&A and Infrastructure, was part of the panel on ESG in M&A transactions of the Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America conference promoted by the International Bar Association. Daniel emphasized the importance of ESG Compliance review of third-party contractors and the supply chain of target companies in M&A transactions, independently of the size of the company.

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