
• 03 de Mai, 2022 • 08:54

Nosso sócio Horacio Bernardes na abertura da conferência Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America, I

Our partner Horacio Bernardes Neto at the IBA Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America conference.

Nosso sócio Horacio Bernardes Neto, ex-presidente da International Bar Association, participou ontem da abertura da conferência Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America.

Dr. Horacio destacou a esperança do globalismo com a queda do muro de Berlim e os retrocessos após os acontecimentos recentes.

Our partner Horacio Bernardes Neto, former president of the International Bar Association, was part of the opening remarks of the Mergers and Acquisition in Latin America conference yesterday .

He highlighted the hope of globalism with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the setbacks after recent events.

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