
• 18 de Out, 2022 • 08:20

Ranking Leaders League: Best Law Firms 2023

Leaders League Ranking: Best Law Firms 2023

O escritório foi contemplado hoje pelo Ranking Best Law Firms 2023, promovido pelo Leaders League Brasil.

A sócia Regina Mangabeira Albernaz Lynch Lynch foi mencionada em Aviation Law, na Categoria Recommended, e os sócios Fernando Lobo e Luis Roux Azevedo em Bankruptcy, na Categoria Valuable Practice.

Our firm was awarded today by the Ranking Best Law Firms 2023, promoted by the Leaders League Brazil.

Partner Regina Mangabeira Albernaz Lynch Lynch was mentioned in Aviation Law, in the Recommended Category, and partners Fernando Lobo and Luis Roux Azevedo in Bankruptcy, in the Valuable Practice Category.

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